Take Action

Legislative Action Center

Here you will find a variety of action opportunities on key legislative issues and an opportunity to tell congress what's on your mind.

Our Advocacy

A priest and a rabbi holding signs about justice and Black Lives Matter in a large group of protesters

Racial Justice

The Reform Movement works in partnership with representatives from diverse communities to fight the structural racism that is embedded in our society and to advance justice for all people.


Separation of Church and State

The First Amendment to the Constitution is the cornerstone of American religious freedom, ensuring through the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause that the government does not support religious practices.

Health Care and Congress

Health Care

Millions of Americans live without health insurance, and attacks on the Affordable Care Act and other areas of the health care system have resulted in millions of people without health insurance.


Economic Justice

The Reform Movement has always acted upon fundamental Jewish ideals by advocating for children, the poor, the disenfranchised, the elderly, the sick, those with disabilities, and the "stranger among us."

Join Us in The Tent

Learn more about how to get involved in the RAC's work and connect with others working for social justice in The Tent, the URJ’s collaboration and communications platform for Reform Jewish leaders.

people holding conversation signs

RAC Legislative Updates

Learn more about the RAC's key issues and get involved by signing up for the legislative updates newsletter.

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Take Action Locally

RAC in Your State

Our state-based affiliates in California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas build power, mobilize congregations and engage the Reform Jewish community nationwide in the pursuit of justice.

What's New

Congress Must Expand the Child Tax Credit, a Powerful Tool Proven to Reduce Poverty

November 1, 2022
In the American Rescue Plan of 2021, Congress temporarily expanded the Child Tax Credit (CTC). This measure significantly reduced child poverty during a time of economic fallout and uncertainty, but the expansion expired at the end of 2021. As families continue to struggle to make ends meet, with inflation on the rise, Congress must urgently make the CTC expansion permanent in year-end tax legislation.

Why New Yorkers Should—and I will—Vote “Yes” on New York’s $4.2 Billion Environmental Bond Act in the Next 7 Days

November 1, 2022
RAC-NY undertook a comprehensive and robust effort to educate our congregations and the broader community about Proposition 1 - the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act - and encourage a "Yes" vote on November 8. We were thrilled to join the "Vote Yes for Clean Water and Jobs Coalition," a wonderfully effective and very broad coalition of advocate agencies led by The Nature Conservancy.

Congregation and Communities

Congregations & Communities

Congregations are at the forefront of the Reform Movement's social action work, from direct service to local advocacy. Here you will find tools, programming ideas, resources, and funds for multiple aspects of social action work geared toward congregations and local communities.
audacious hospitality Resources

Congregational Resources from URJ Audacious Hospitality

Audacious Hospitality is the Reform Jewish Movement's focused effort on Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (REDI) work. Find resources, including our congregational toolkit, to help you make your community more equitable and inclusive.